Monday, April 18, 2011

i dont know

just thought my sad little blog needed an update..

let's see since the last post chris has gotten his steroid injections via epidural line. that was on friday (today being monday) and they told him to expect it to take 3 days or so before he wasn't too sore to feel any sort of relief. on his way out the door this morning i asked how he was feeling and he said tight but overall better than before.. so this is positive news!
today i traded zim and cindy my child for their carpet cleaner for the day. Our carpet is really cheap so it seems like breathing on it causes stains and its a pain to get the spray bottle and scrubber every time i see a stain so i let them go and then bring in the heavy duty machine to clean it up all nice.. but of course its been in the 80's and 90's for like a week and today .. the day that i need my carpets to dry.. its cold and overcast with scattered showers.. seriously?

next on my list of to do's for the day is head out to get the boys easter basket goodies! chris acts like hes confused about why he keeps getting easter baskets but i think that he secretly enjoys knowing that i thought about him and the things that he likes :)

looking into getting a new car. i love my dear old wednesday but when we have 2 carseats back there (this is NOT an announcement ps) it will be a pain to maneuver them in and out.. lots of time for research but we went and looked yesterday and i found that i really like the mitsubishi outlander.. and we found a good deal on a 2010 one with 17k miles on.. it will probably be gone by the time we are ready though... we'll see.

i guess i should stop procrastinating and get back to my carpets.. sigh

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