Monday, September 20, 2010

packing packing packing

sigh.. so we unpacked what we needed here.. knowing that it was temporary.. but still unpacking what would make us comfortable. As time went on we unpacked more little knick-knacks and what nots.. and we now find ourselves in the process of moving again in the next few weeks.... i never want to leave it all for the day before.. but what wont i need for the next however many weeks we will be here??
that being said.. i've been working on a new quilt but havent gotten very far. we've had a very busy few weeks. i am happy to report however that when we get into our new house we will have an extra room beyond the guest room and chris has so nicely agreed to allow that to be the computer/workout/ sewing room! so i dont have to pack up my machine and everything every night when i'm done so its not on the table.. this will make projects so much more convenient and therefore faster!