Monday, July 11, 2011

a baby no more

well, i now i havent updated in a while.. i've been SUPER busy but more about that later.
my plan was always to switch noah into a toddler bed at age 2 and then a few months later into the twin bed. he wont be 2 for another 3 weeks but i was cleaning his bedroom this weekend and so i just went for it.. converted  his crib to the toddler bed.
sad moment for me to see it go, but i was still expecting a fight, or it to be a pain.. it was NOT at all.. i put him down, he got up twice but climbed right back in and was asleep within 5 minutes and he's been fine for 3 days of naps and 3 nights of through the night sleeping..

anyway.. what i was saying about being extremely busy.. i have decided to take my crafting to the next level and do booths at craft faires. I have one this month on the 28th and *fingers crossed* one on october 22nd at the clairemont arts and crafts faire. These are some of the things i've been making a ton of

 paci clips